Feshbach-Fano approach for calculation of Auger decay rates using equation-of-motion coupled-cluster wave functions. I. Theory and implementation
X-ray absorption creates electron vacancies in the core shell. These highly excited states often relax by Auger decay---an autoionization process in which one valence electron fills the core hole and another valence electron is ejected into the ionization continuum. Despite the important role of Auger processes in many experimental settings, their first-principle modeling is challenging, even for small systems. The difficulty stems from the necessity to describe many-electron continuum (unbound) states, which cannot be tackled with standard quantum-chemistry methods. We present a novel approach to calculate Auger decay rates by combining Feshbach-Fano resonance theory with the equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (EOM-CCSD) framework. We use the core-valence separation (CVS) scheme to define projectors into the bound (square-integrable) and unbound (continuum) subspaces of the full function space. The continuum many-body decay states are represented by products of an appropriate EOM-CCSD state and a free-electron state, described by a continuum orbital. The Auger rates are expressed in terms of reduced quantities, two-body Dyson amplitudes (objects analogous to the two-particle transition density matrix), contracted with two-electron bound-continuum integrals. Here we consider two approximate treatments of the free electron: a plane wave and a Coulomb wave with an effective charge, which allow us to evaluate all requisite integrals analytically; however, the theory can be extended to incorporate more sophisticated description of the continuum orbital. Related ResearchCore-level states and related spectroscopies From orbitals to observables and back Interface between electronic structure, spectroscopy, and dynamics |