Understanding photoactive proteins in gas phase and in realistic environments
We are using state-of-the art electronic structure methods to study photophysical properties of photoactive proteins (GFP, PYP, etc).
Our computational studies aim to elucidate mechanistic details of the photocycle and to develop design principles for better
fluorescent probes for bioimaging applications. Among many aspects of their electronic structure,
we are investigating structural basis of photoconversions and characterizing redox properties of these systems.
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94. E. Epifanovsky, I. Polyakov, B. Grigorenko, A.V. Nemukhin, and A.I. Krylov
The effect of oxidation on the electronic structure of the green
fluorescent protein chromophore
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81. I. Polyakov, E. Epifanovsky, B. Grigorenko, A.I. Krylov, and A.V. Nemukhin
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in water
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80. E. Epifanovsky, I. Polyakov, B. Grigorenko, A.V. Nemukhin, and A.I. Krylov
Quantum chemical benchmark studies of the electronic properties of
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ionized states of
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