Sustainable energy

Understanding excited-state processes and charge and energy transport is crucially important for developing practical sustainable energy solutions. We use quantum chemistry methods to understand the key steps relevant for solar energy harvesting, batteries, and fuel cells. Recent examples include computational studies of the singlet fission phenomenon and charge-transfer in electrochemically active bacteria.

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209. M. H. Farag and A. I. Krylov
Singlet fission in perylenediimide dimers
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208. S. Xu, A. Barrozo, L. M. Tender, A. I. Krylov, and M. Y. El-Naggar
Multiheme cytochrome mediated redox conduction through Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 cells
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206. N. V. Korovina, J. Joy, X. Feng, C. Feltenberger, A. I. Krylov, S. E. Bradforth, and M. E. Thompson
Linker-dependent singlet fission in tetracene dimers
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201. A. Barrozo, M. Y. El-Naggar, and A. I. Krylov
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173. X. Feng, D. Casanova, and A.I. Krylov
Intra- and inter-molecular singlet fission in covalently linked dimers
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170. X. Feng and A.I. Krylov
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166. N.V. Korovina, S. Das, Z. Nett, X. Feng, J. Joy, A.I. Krylov, S.E. Bradforth, and M.E. Thompson
Singlet Fission in a covalently linked cofacial alkynyltetracene dimer
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157. A. V. Luzanov, D. Casanova, X. Feng, and A. I. Krylov
Quantifying charge resonance and multiexciton character in coupled chromophores by charge and spin cumulant analysis
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149. S. Matsika, X. Feng, A.V. Luzanov, and A.I. Krylov
What we can learn from the norms of one-particle density matrices, and what we can't: Some results for interstate properties in model singlet fission systems
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147. X. Feng, A.B. Kolomeisky, and A.I. Krylov
Dissecting the effect of morphology on the rates of singlet fission: Insights from theory
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143. A.B. Kolomeisky, X. Feng, and A.I. Krylov
A simple kinetic model for singlet fission: A role of electronic and entropic contributions to macroscopic rates
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140. X. Feng, A.V. Luzanov, and A.I. Krylov
Fission of entangled spins: An electronic structure perspective
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