Interface between electronic structure, spectroscopy, and dynamics
Modeling spectra is crucial for interpreting the experimental measurements and validating
electronic structure methodology. We develop computational
tools for modeling FCFs, anharmonic effects, photoionization and photodetachment
cross sections, and more. Within electronic structure domain, more work remains to be done
for modeling non-linear optical phenomena, core-level spectra, and spectroscopic signatures
of resonances. The inspiration for this work often comes from collaborations with experimentalists.
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316. N.K. Jayadev, T.-C. Jagau, and A.I. Krylov
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The Auger spectrum of benzene
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287. R. Sarangi, K. Nanda, and A.I. Krylov
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284. M. Mukherjee, R. Kumar T. P., M. Rankovic, P. Nag, J. Fedor, and A.I. Krylov
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274. S. Gozem and A. I. Krylov
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259. W. Skomorowski and A.I. Krylov
Feshbach-Fano approach for calculation of Auger decay rates using
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258. W. Skomorowski and A.I. Krylov
Feshbach-Fano approach for calculation of Auger decay rates using
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255. A. Carreras, H. Jiang, P. Pokhilko, A.I. Krylov, P. M. Zimmerman, and D. Casanova
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254. M. L. Vidal, M. Epshtein, V. Scutelnic, Z. Yang, T. Xue, S. R. Leone, A. I. Krylov, and S. Coriani
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253. M. Epshtein, V. Scutelnic, Z. Yang, T. Xue, M. L. Vidal, A. I. Krylov, S. Coriani, and S. R. Leone
Table-top X-ray spectroscopy of benzene radical cation
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252. K.D. Nanda and A.I. Krylov
Cherry-picking resolvents: A general strategy for convergent
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251. M. L. Vidal, P. Pokhilko, A.I. Krylov, and S. Coriani
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246. K. Nanda and A.I. Krylov
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245. R. Sarangi, M. L. Vidal, S. Coriani, and A. I. Krylov
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244. S. Gozem, R. Seidel, U. Hergenhahn, E. Lugovoy, B. Abel, B. Winter, A. I. Krylov, and S. E. Bradforth
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239. O. Haggag, P. Malakar, P. Pokhilko, J. F. Stanton, A. I. Krylov, and S. Ruhman
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237. S. Gulania, T.-C. Jagau, A. Sanov, and A. I. Krylov
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235. Z.-H. Loh, G. Doumy, C. Arnold, L. Kjellsson, S. H. Southworth, A. Al Haddad, Y. Kumagai, M.-F. Tu, P. J. Ho, A. M. March, R. D. Schaller, M. S. Bin Mohd Yusof, T. Debnath, M. Simon, R. Welsch, L. Inhester, K. Khalili, K. Nanda, A. I. Krylov, S. Moeller, G. Coslovich, J. Koralek, M. P. Minitti, W. F. Schlotter, J.-E. Rubensson, R. Santra, and L. Young
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202. L. G. Dodson, J. D. Savee, S. Gozem, L. Shen, A. I. Krylov, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, and M. Okumura
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192. J. Lyle, O. Wedig, S. Gulania, A. I. Krylov, and R. Mabbs
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189. E. Hossain, S.M. Deng, S. Gozem, A.I. Krylov, X.-B. Wang, and P.G. Wenthold
Photoelectron spectroscopy study of quinonimides
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188. A. Sadybekov and A. I. Krylov
Coupled-cluster based approach for core-level states in condensed phase:
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186. S. Xu, J. Smith, S. Gozem, A.I. Krylov, and J.M. Weber
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184. M. de Wergifosse, A.L. Houk, A.I. Krylov, and C.G. Elles
Two-photon absorption spectroscopy of trans-stilbene, cis-stilbene,
and phenanthrene: Theory and experiment
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183. M. de Wergifosse, C.G. Elles, and A.I. Krylov
Two-photon absorption spectroscopy of stilbene and phenanthrene: Excited-state analysis and comparison with ethylene and toluene
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159. T.-C. Jagau, D.B. Dao, N.S. Holtgreve, A.I. Krylov, and R. Mabbs
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Dipole-stabilized shape resonances in CuF- and AgF-
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134. K.B. Bravaya and A.I. Krylov
On the photodetachment from the Green Fluorescent Protein chromophore
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105. E. Kamarchik and A.I. Krylov
Non-Condon effects in one- and two-photon absorption spectra of the
green fluorescent protein
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104. K. Khistyaev, K.B. Bravaya, E. Kamarchik, O. Kostko, M. Ahmed, and A.I. Krylov
The effect of microhydration on ionization energies of thymine
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103. D. Ghosh, O. Isayev, L.V. Slipchenko, and A.I. Krylov
The effect of solvation on vertical ionization energy of thymine: From microhydration to bulk
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99. K.B. Bravaya, O. Kostko, S. Dolgikh, A. Landau, M. Ahmed, and A.I. Krylov
Electronic structure and spectroscopy of nucleic acid bases:
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J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 12305 – 12317
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95. V. Mozhayskiy, D.J. Goebbert, L. Velarde, A. Sanov, and A.I. Krylov
Electronic structure and spectroscopy of oxyallyl: A theoretical study
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93. E. Kamarchik, O. Kostko, J.M. Bowman, M. Ahmed, and A.I. Krylov
Spectroscopic signatures of proton transfer dynamics in the water dimer cation
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85. C.M. Oana and A.I. Krylov
Cross sections and photoelectron angular distributions
in photodetachment from negative ions using
equation-of-motion coupled-cluster Dyson orbitals
J. Chem. Phys. 131, 124114
83. L. Koziol, V.A. Mozhayskiy, B.J. Braams, J.M. Bowman, and A.I. Krylov
Ab initio calculation of photoelectron spectra of the hydroxycarbene diradicals
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63. L. Koziol, Y. Wang, B.J. Braams, J.M. Bowman, and A. I. Krylov
The theoretical prediction of
infrared spectra of trans- and cis- hydroxycarbene
calculated using full dimensional ab initio potential energy and dipole
moment surfaces
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61. V. Vanovschi, A. I. Krylov, and P. G. Wenthold
Structure, vibrational frequencies, ionization energies, and
photoelectron spectrum of the para-benzyne radical anion
Theor. Chem. Acc. 120, 45 – 58
59. C.M. Oana and A.I. Krylov
Dyson orbitals for ionization from the ground and electronically
excited states within equation-of-motion coupled-cluster formalism:
Theory, implementation, and examples
J. Chem. Phys. 127, 234106
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